Take simple steps to
prevent complex challenges

You can learn how to protect your child or student from developmental difficulties and mental health challenges.




Is this you?

The Lost

Nobody ever told me that being a first-time mom would be this confusing.
This sounds like me

I had a baby a few months ago. But instead of enjoying this beautiful time, I’m a nervous wreck. She hasn’t turned over yet, and she doesn’t really babble.
Is my child doomed?
If that’s not enough, she also cries day and night. I find myself crying along with her. I wonder if this is typical baby woes, or something I need to worry about.
If I could only understand baby language, I’d know which behaviors are really concerning.

I want to be a
confident mother.

The Worried

My child is constantly coming home with another issue, and the entire family is suffering.
This sounds like me

My son seems to attract problems. As soon as we solve one issue, the next one pops up out of nowhere. We don’t stop pumping money into all different therapies that promise to be THE solution.
Will we ever see an end to this?
I’m up all night stressing too. What’s to stop my other children from also developing these challenges? I’m on edge, just waiting for the ax to fall.
I wish I knew how to prevent these issues from developing in the first place.

I want to be an
empowered mother.

The Pained

I didn’t know that I would have to observe so many children develop avoidable problems.
This sounds like me

Too many kids I care about are suffering. The numbers keep rising, and the statistics are frightening. Terms like ADHD, anxiety, and dyslexia are common lingo in the general population and I can’t help but notice signs of problems and behavioral issues, in kids wherever I go.
I’ve invested so much time in my education and have attained a vast amount of knowledge. Yet, I don’t have the tools needed to identify and help solve the underlying problems.
I wish there were a way I could help prevent all this anguish on a communal level.

I want to be a
proactive professional.

Hi! We’re Amy and Evelyn Guttmann, OTR/L

neurodevelopmental occupational therapists
with over 25 years in the field.

We feel you.

We’re two sisters
on a mission:

Use our experience and training to empower parents & professionals so they can set kids up for success and prevent years of unnecessary heartache.

Let’s prevent pain together.

In 1999, we opened our OT practice in Brooklyn with the dream of helping children with developmental delays and mental health challenges overcome them — and go on to live happy, fulfilling lives.

Over our 25 years of practice, we noticed a disturbing trend. The number of children suffering from challenges was just rising.

Moms were frustrated, and the kids had all but given up on themselves. When we evaluated these children, we noticed a common thread. Over the years, they’d all received band-aid solutions for their problems.

But nobody ever got to the root of the issue.

Did you know?

of all children in New York State experience mental health issues from ages 0-5.

of all children in New York State receive services for developmental health challenges from the ages 0-5.

of adults who didn’t receive help as children report depression or anxiety by age 24.

Here’s the truth

Your baby’s first year of life is

absolutely critical.

baby sleeping


In a baby’s first 12 months, all they do is eat, sleep, and learn how to move around.

baby alert


Your baby’s core social, emotional, and intellectual abilities develop in the first year of life.

baby pointing


All the tools your baby
needs in order to self-soothe are developed


Reflexes that aren’t outgrown properly in the first 12 months can cause children to develop behavioral challenges



Your child’s ability to read and write starts developing


Our Goal:

Help parents shift their focus

from the speed of their childs development

to how their child is reaching those milestones

What parent focusing
on speed looks like:

“My child already

  • Sits = Applause
  • Crawls = Phew!
  • Stands = Let’s party!

What parent focusing
on the how looks like:

“My child

  • Sat up without help = Cheers
  • Crawls in a sitting position = Uh-oh
  • Gets up to stand using his hands = Okay

By understanding the source of many developmental and mental health issues you’ll be empowered to

prevent minor problems from turning into severe issues

We have extensive experience and training and we want to use it to help parents like you

Babies only develop once.
They need your help to do it right



Baby On Track Course

This 6-week innovative course is designed to simplify the prevention of physical and social/emotional challenges. Parents learn simple steps to ensure their baby develops the right way.

Gain practical tools that you can incorporate the day you learn them.

Learn more →

The 18-Day Challenge

Daily and doable challenges to help you find your strengths and connect with your emotions. Learn to understand yourself and interact warmly and calmly with the children in your life.

Enjoy the support of a community of like-minded individuals.

Learn more →

Neuroscience & Parenting

Science-based and research-backed weekly Q&A sessions to clarify any questions one may  have, in regards to childhood development or mental health challenges.

Get support and guidance on day to day challenges via our follow-up WhatsApp chat.

Learn more →

School Training Initiative

Convenient, hands-on training to guide teachers on specific movements that they can incorporate in the classroom to increase focus and school readiness.

See your students’ reading and writing skills go up a complete grade level.

Learn more →

School Evaluations

Professional and targeted evaluation of all students, to identify potential issues before they turn into real problems.

Deal with red flags that present themselves early on.

Learn more →

Hope in numbers

12k +

children evaluated

650 +

children treated

16k +

followers on social media

60k +

clubhouse users


years OT experience

9k +

OT’s trained

What people say about us:

Get the knowledge, tools, and guidance you need to help your child